Pomili Demolizioni Speciali Srl is a leading waste management company that deals with municipal and industrial waste. The Company, equipped with a vast range of vehicles of different sizes and enrolled in the National Register of Environmental Managers, is authorised to the pick-up, collection and transport of:
• non-hazardous, municipal waste;
• hazardous, municipal waste;
• non-hazardous, special waste;
• hazardous, special waste.
The services described above are performed with the greatest professionalism and care and are deployed through planned, regular, quick and accurate interventions in compliance with the reference regulations:
• Safety (Legislative Decree 81/2008 et seq.);
• Environmental (LegislativeDecree152/2006andsubsequentamendmentsthereto);
• HighwayCode(LegislativeDecree285/1992andsubsequentamendmentsthereto).
In January 2018, Pomili Demolizioni Speciali Srl obtained the AVEI (Electric or Hybrid Vehicle Wrecking) qualification, guaranteeing the Company’s expertise and skills for ma– naging electric or hybrid ELVs. The acquisition of innovative expertise and competencies in the wrecking of electric and hybrid vehicles ensures the provision of specialised and competitive services to Automotive Brands. To achieve this qualification, Pomili Demolizioni Speciali Srl underwent a third-party audit assessing its ability to meet technical, operational, management and training requirements.
The AVEI certification enables the Company to:
Assure Automotive Brands on the correct collection, treatment and re-use of electric and hybrid vehicles by referring to their technical documentation for operations to be performed on crashed vehicles and providing information on components, materials and hazardous substances;
Ensureacompleteandprofessionalservicetoitscustomersbykeepingpacewith system and component innovations resulting from the different technologies on the market and related to electric and hybrid vehicles.
With its long-standing experience in this sector, Pomili Demolizioni Speciali Srl’s technicians recover and restore HV components and batteries from electric and/ or hybrid vehicles, aided by specific PES/PAV (Skilled/Instructed Persons) and the PEI (Qualified person to electrical works under voltage) and supported by advan– ced and continuous training on the treatment of electrical and/or hybrid vehicles’ components.
The AVEI qualification and ISO certifications ensure compliance with environmental regulations, CEI 11-27 regulation and the obligations provided under Legislative Decree 81/08 on Occupa– tional Health and Safety, and the Best Practices defined by the leading Car Manufacturers.